Mother and Baby care
Mother and Baby care:
believe that every mother and baby deserves the best care possible, during, and
after a precious newborn enters the world. We have got everything you need to
keep both mother and baby looking good and well being & share your passion
and support your mission. Our services allow your family to take part and
experience the warm surroundings. Our focus is also on creating a unique
experience for every family At Sumukha. We are committed for the best service
and the range of support which is required for mother and baby.
It’s very
important that people with dementia are treated with respect. It is important
to remember that a person with dementia is still a unique and valuable human
being, despite their illness. When a person with dementia finds that their
mental abilities are declining, they often feel vulnerable and in need of
reassurance and support to retain their sense
Dementia Care:
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