Patient care Male/Female:


Patient care Male/Female:

There is a lot of difference between a Male and Female patient referring to their mental states. Any patient irrespective of the gender difference what they need is nothing but a personal love, care and companionship as we care for a child & elderly person. But now-a-days due to hectic work pressure, Stress full conditions the family members are not able to look after their loved ones. Patients whether male / female wants to be at home rather than in hospital, for such people our Health attendants will be the right people with right service with higher personal hygiene.


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Name:SumukhaHome Nursing Services in Bangalore, since 2001
Address: Sumukha Facilitators Pvt Ltd, No. 477, 45th Cross Rd, 8th Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560070

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